Sabbath (Shabbat) Saturday 10am & 1:30pm
In its simplest definition, “Sabbath” means “Rest.” When God rested from His work of creation, He gave us the 7th Day — Sabbath. So the Sabbath is given as a sign between God and His people, and as a commemoration of our Creator, and the very act of creation. God calls each Sabbath day “a holy convocation”. “Convocation” means “gathering together” or “rehearsal;” a community of believers assembled or gathered for worship, praise, and celebration. Sabbath is a day of rejoicing and joining with one another in the Presence of the Lord!
“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy…For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and sanctified it.” (Exodus 20:8-11 NKJV)
The Torah – Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy – God’s teaching, instruction, guidance and direction – is given to a Redeemed People walking out a Redemtive Lifestyle!
Torah Study Monday 6:30pm to 9:00pm
Every week of every month of every year, Simchat Torah Beit Midrash studies and teaches the Torah. Our cycle follows the traditional Torah Portions of Hebrew communities around the world.
(Weekly Readings are available on STBM’s Hebrew Lifestyle Calendar – click here to order! )
Rabbi Messer leads the study, bringing his Spirit-filled teaching style to the entirety of Scriptures – Genesis through Revelation – with the Torah portion as the foundation, and Yeshua, (Jesus Christ) as the focus!
Whether you have never heard the term “Torah” before, or you are a long-time student of the Hebrew Roots of the Christian Faith, you will want to join STBM for our Torah Study offered at various locations along the Front Range of Colorado.
Mikveh Service (Baptism) Monthly
The Hebrew word “Mikveh” means “Immersion”. Immersion in water! Immersion in the Spirit! Emerging “born again” in a renewed lifestyle with the Lord. The Mikveh Process is healing immersion deep within yourself to acknowledge any known or unknown sin. Initially it is an immersion deep within your past, to identify and confess generational curses, and patterns of habitual sin. Rabbi Messer and Mrs. Messer teach you to immerse yourself in the Spirit, and guide you gently through this dramatic life-changing and cleansing experience.